
Showing posts from January, 2021

CVC Puzzles Short Vowel O

  3 Types of readers in children Whether you are a parent or teacher, working with children and helping them learn to read is rewarding. I had the opportunity to teach 6 year olds this past year and I have observed that there are three types of students: strong readers, emerging readers and weak readers. Strong readers  have good phonemic awareness and are excellent decoders. (Please refer to my introduction to phonemic awareness and decoding words) Emerging readers  are on the way and are expanding their knowledge of phonics sounds and applying it to decode familiar and unfamiliar words. Weak readers  need frequent prompts for segmenting and blending the sounds together. In severe cases, they may even struggle to remember letters and consonant sounds. HOW DOES THE BRAIN PROCESS WORDS? ·           Through Phonological awareness (i.e learning the sounds of words) and orthography (spelling of words). Skilled readers were able to process the word by seeing the letters “chair” faster compa

An Inquiry into Food: Home Activity

The IB learning approach view parents as part of the learning community. So at the start of each inquiry, I like to update parents on the central idea and lines of inquiry as well as give suggested home activities. This is to help children link learning between home and school. Home activities also help to develop in children what the IB programme calls ''Approaches to Learning''. Two such skills are research and communication; because children will share their findings during Show & Tell. As a teacher, it is wonderful to see students (with the help of parents) taking interest in the central idea and providing their points of view. Suggested Home Activities: A. Collect food label(s) of your favourite food and list three main ingredients and any food preservatives. Discuss with your child what preservatives are. B. Explore preserved foods. Visit the supermarket and find out what is preserved foods. Record 3 types and state the method used (i.e dried, canned, food, s

An Inquiry into Food: Local Produce

Hello again! I want to share with you about our current inquiry for term 1. My kindergarten uses the inquiry approach which is the IB-International Baccalaureate. What is IB? To sum it up, it encourages children to be learners who take a proactive role; teachers no longer spoon-feed them information but rather encourage them to ask questions and take the initiative to find out answers to share in class. This curricular aims to develop its learners to be knowledgeable, caring and have a balanced world view. Central idea: Knowing the ingredients in food and food preparation methods help us to make informed choices. Lines of inquiry: Sources of food and how they are produced; Food labels help us understand what go into our bodies; Consequences of food choices; Different ways of preserving food; Different ways of preserving and cooking food An inquiry usually lasts for one term (i.e 10 weeks). I like to use the Kath Murdoch inquiry cycle, which begins with Tuning In & Findin